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The ScenegraphLayer renders a number of instances of a complete glTF scenegraph.

import {Deck} from '';
import {ScenegraphLayer} from '';

const layer = new ScenegraphLayer({
id: 'ScenegraphLayer',
data: '',

getPosition: d => d.coordinates,
getOrientation: d => [0, Math.random() * 180, 90],
scenegraph: '',
sizeScale: 500,
_animations: {
'*': {speed: 5}
_lighting: 'pbr',
pickable: true

new Deck({
initialViewState: {
longitude: -122.4,
latitude: 37.74,
zoom: 11
controller: true,
getTooltip: ({object}) => object &&,
layers: [layer]


To install the dependencies from NPM:

npm install
# or
npm install
import {ScenegraphLayer} from '';
import type {ScenegraphLayerProps} from '';

new ScenegraphLayer<DataT>(...props: ScenegraphLayerProps<DataT>[]);

To use pre-bundled scripts:

<script src="^9.0.0/dist.min.js"></script>
<!-- or -->
<script src="^9.0.0/dist.min.js"></script>
<script src="^9.0.0/dist.min.js"></script>
new deck.ScenegraphLayer({});


Inherits from all Base Layer properties.


scenegraph (string | object | Promise)

The geometry to render for each data object. Can be a URL of an object. You need to provide the fetch function to load the object. Can also be a ScenegraphNode, or a Promise that resolves to one. The layer calls delete() on scenegraph when a new one is provided or the layer is finalized.

loadOptions (object, optional)

On top of the default options, also accepts options for the following loaders:

Render Options

sizeScale (number, optional) transition-enabled

  • Default 1.

Multiplier to scale each geometry by.

_animations (object, optional)

  • Default undefined. (No animations are running).

An object used to configure animations playing. keys can be one of the following:

  • number for index number
  • name for animation name
  • * to affect all animations Each value is an object with:
  • playing (boolean) default true
  • speed (number) speed multiplier, default 1.
  • startTime (number) start time, default 0. Animations are parsed automatically from glTF files.

getScene (Function, optional)

  • Default: scenegraph => (scenegraph && scenegraph.scenes ? scenegraph.scenes[0] : scenegraph)

If you have multiple scenes you can select the scene you want to use. Only triggers when scenegraph property changes.

getAnimator (Function, optional)

  • Default: scenegraph => scenegraph && scenegraph.animator

Return null to disable animation or provide your custom animator. Only triggers when scenegraph property changes.

_lighting (string, optional)

  • Default: flat

Experimental lighting support, can be:

  • flat: No light calculation. Works well with any textured object.
  • pbr Uses glTF PBR model. Works well with glTF models.

Only read when scenegraph property changes. Uses global light configuration from deck.

_imageBasedLightingEnvironment (Function | GLTFEnvironment, optional)

  • Default: null

Experimental Can be:

  • A GLTFEnvironment object.
  • A function that takes {gl, layer} as first argument and returns a GLTFEnvironment.

Only read when scenegraph property changes.

Data Accessors

getPosition (Accessor<Position>, optional) transition-enabled

  • Default: object => object.position

Method called to retrieve the center position for each object in the data stream.

getColor (Accessor<Color>, optional) transition-enabled

  • Default: [0, 0, 0, 255]

The rgba color is in the format of [r, g, b, [a]]. Each channel is a number between 0-255 and a is 255 if not supplied. Only used if texture is empty.

  • If an array is provided, it is used as the color for all objects.
  • If a function is provided, it is called on each object to retrieve its color.

getOrientation (Accessor<number[3]>, optional)

  • Default: [0, 0, 0]

Object orientation defined as a vec3 of Euler angles, [pitch, yaw, roll] in degrees. This will be composed with layer's modelMatrix.

  • If an array is provided, it is used as the orientation for all objects.
  • If a function is provided, it is called on each object to retrieve its orientation.

getScale (Accessor<number[3]>, optional)

  • Default: [1, 1, 1]

Scaling factor on the mesh along each axis.

  • If an array is provided, it is used as the scale for all objects.
  • If a function is provided, it is called on each object to retrieve its scale.

getTranslation (Accessor<number[3]>, optional)

  • Default: [0, 0, 0]

Translation of the mesh along each axis. Offset from the center position given by getPosition. [x, y, z] in meters.

  • If an array is provided, it is used as the offset for all objects.
  • If a function is provided, it is called on each object to retrieve its offset.

getTransformMatrix (Accessor<number[16]>, optional)

  • Default: null

Explicitly define a 4x4 column-major model matrix for the mesh. If provided, will override getOrientation, getScale, getTranslation. This will be composed with layer's modelMatrix.

  • If an array is provided, it is used as the transform matrix for all objects.
  • If a function is provided, it is called on each object to retrieve its transform matrix.

sizeMinPixels (number, optional)

  • Default: 0

The minimum size in pixels for one unit of the scene.

sizeMaxPixels (number, optional)

  • Default: Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER

The maximum size in pixels for one unit of the scene.

