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Aggregator Interface

The Aggregator interface describes a type of class that performs aggregation.


Aggregation is a 2-step process:

  1. Sort: Group a collection of data points by some property into bins.
  2. Aggregate: for each bin, calculate a numeric output (result) from some metrics (values) from all its members. Multiple results can be obtained independently (channels).

An implementation of the Aggregator interface takes the following inputs:

  • The number of data points
  • The group that each data point belongs to, by mapping each data point to a binId (array of integers)
  • The values to aggregate, by mapping each data point in each channel to one value (number)
  • The method (operation) to reduce a list of values to one number, such as SUM

And yields the following outputs:

  • A list of binIds that data points get sorted into
  • The aggregated values (result) as a list of numbers, comprised of one number per bin per channel
  • The [min, max] among all aggregated values (domain) for each channel


Consider the task of making a histogram that shows the result of a survey by age distribution.

  1. The data points are the list of participants, and we know the age of each person.
  2. Suppose we want to group them by 5-year intervals. A 21-year-old participant is assigned to the bin of age 20-25, with binId [20]. A 35-year-old participant is assigned to the bin of age 35-40, with binId [35], and so on.
  3. For each bin (i.e. age group), we calculate 2 values:
    • The first channel is "number of participants". Each participant in this group yields a value of 1, and the result equals all values added together (operation: SUM).
    • The second channel is "average score". Each participant in this group yields a value that is their test score, and the result equals the sum of all scores divided by the number of participants (operation: MEAN).
  4. As the outcome of the aggregation, we have:
    • Bins: [15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40]
    • Channel 0 result: [1, 5, 12, 10, 8, 3]
    • Channel 0 domain: [1, 12]
    • Channel 1 result: [6, 8.2, 8.5, 7.9, 7.75, 8]
    • Channel 1 domain: [6, 8.5]


An implementation of Aggregator should expose the following methods:


Set runtime properties of the aggregation.

pointCount: 10000,
attributes: {...},
operations: ['SUM', 'MEAN'],
binOptions: {groupSize: 5}


  • pointCount (number) - number of data points.
  • attributes (Attribute[]) - the input data.
  • operations (string[]) - How to aggregate the values inside a bin, defined per channel.
  • binOptions (object) - arbitrary settings that affect bin sorting.
  • onUpdate (Function) - callback when a channel has been recalculated. Receives the following arguments:
    • channel (number) - the channel that just updated


Flags a channel to need update. This could be a result of change in the input data or bin options.



  • channel (number, optional) - mark the given channel as dirty. If not provided, all channels will be updated.


Called after all props are set and before results are accessed. The aggregator should allocate resources and redo aggregations if needed at this stage.



Called before the result buffers are drawn to screen. Certain types of aggregations are dependent on render time context and this is alternative opportunity to update just-in-time.



Get the information of a given bin.

const bin = aggregator.getBin(100);


  • index (number) - index of the bin to locate it in getBins()


  • id (number[]) - Unique bin ID.
  • value (number[]) - Aggregated values by channel.
  • count (number) - Number of data points in this bin.
  • pointIndices (number[] | undefined) - Indices of data points in this bin if available. This field may not be populated when using GPU-based implementations.


Get an accessor to all bin IDs.

const binIdsAttribute = aggregator.getBins();


  • A binary attribute of the output bin IDs, or
  • null, if update has never been called


Get an accessor to the aggregated values of a given channel.

const resultAttribute = aggregator.getResult(0);


  • channel (number) - the channel to retrieve results from


  • A binary attribute of the output values of the given channel, or
  • null, if update has never been called


Get the [min, max] of aggregated values of a given channel.

const [min, max] = aggregator.getResultDomain(0);


  • channel (number) - the channel to retrieve results from

Returns the domain ([number, number]) of the aggregated values of the given channel.


Dispose all allocated resources.



An implementation of Aggregator should expose the following members:

binCount (number)

The number of bins in the aggregated result.

