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Attribute (Internal)

This class helps manage attributes. It integrates into the Model.setAttributes() method by implementing the Attribute.getValue() method. checks for the presence of this method on any attribute passed in.


Create model object by passing shaders, uniforms, geometry and render it by passing updated uniforms.

import {Attribute} from '';
// construct the model.
const positions = new Attribute({
id: 'vertexPositions',
size: 3,
value: new Float32Array([0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0])

// and on each frame update any uniforms (typically matrices) and call render.



The constructor for the Attribute class. Use this to create a new Attribute.

new Attribute(gl, options);

  • gl - WebGL context.
  • size (number) - The number of components in each element the buffer (1-4).
  • id (string, optional) - Identifier of the attribute. Cannot be updated.
  • type (string, optional) - Type of the attribute. If not supplied will be inferred from value. Cannot be updated.
  • isIndexed (boolean, optional) - If the attribute is element index. Default false. Cannot be updated.
  • constant (boolean, optional) - If the attribute is a constant. Default false.
  • isInstanced (boolean, optional) - Whether buffer contains instance data. Default false.
  • normalized (boolean, optional) - Default false
  • integer (boolean, optional) - Default false
  • offset (number, optional) - where the data starts in the buffer. Default 0.
  • stride (number, optional) - an additional offset between each element in the buffer. Default 0.
  • value (TypedArray) - value of the attribute.
    • If constant is true, the length of value should match size
    • If constant is false, the length of value should be size multiplies the number of vertices.
  • buffer (Buffer) - an external buffer for the attribute.


Free GPU resources associated with this attribute.


attribute.update({value: newValue});

Update attribute options. See constructor for possible options.


Returns a Buffer object associated with this attribute, if any.