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GlobeViewport (Experimental)

The GlobeViewport class takes globe view states (latitude, longitude, and zoom), and performs projections between world and screen coordinates. It is a helper class for visualizing the earth as a 3D globe.


A GlobeViewport instance is created under the hood by a GlobeView.

import {_GlobeViewport as GlobeViewport} from '';

const viewport = new GlobeViewport({
width: 600,
height: 400,
longitude: -122.45,
latitude: 37.78,
zoom: 12

viewport.project([-122.45, 37.78]);
// [300,200]


new GlobeViewport({width, height, longitude, latitude, zoom});


  • opts (object) - Globe viewport options

    • width (number) - Width of the viewport.
    • height (number) - Height of the viewport.

    geospatial arguments:

    • latitude (number, optional) - Latitude of the viewport center on map. Default to 0.
    • longitude (number, optional) - Longitude of the viewport center on map. Default to 0.
    • zoom (number, optional) - Map zoom (scale is calculated as 2^zoom). Default to 11.
    • altitude (number, optional) - Altitude of camera, 1 unit equals to the height of the viewport. Default to 1.5.

    projection matrix arguments:

    • nearZMultiplier (number, optional) - Scaler for the near plane, 1 unit equals to the height of the viewport. Default to 0.1.
    • farZMultiplier (number, optional) - Scaler for the far plane, 1 unit equals to the distance from the camera to the top edge of the screen. Default to 1.


  • width and height are forced to 1 if supplied as 0, to avoid division by zero. This is intended to reduce the burden of apps to check values before instantiating a Viewport.
  • Per cartographic tradition, longitudes and latitudes are specified as degrees.

Inherits all Viewport methods.


Inherits all methods from Viewport.


Projects world coordinates to pixel coordinates on screen.


  • coordinates (number[]) - [longitude, latitude, altitude]. altitude is in meters and default to 0 if not supplied.
  • opts (object)
    • topLeft (boolean, optional) - Whether projected coords are top left. Default to true.


  • [x, y] or [x, y, z] in pixels coordinates. z is pixel depth.
    • If input is [longitude, latitude]: returns [x, y].
    • If input is [longitude, latitude: altitude]: returns [x, y, z].


Unproject pixel coordinates on screen into world coordinates.


  • pixels (number[]) - [x, y, z] in pixel coordinates. Passing a z is optional.
  • opts (object)
    • topLeft (boolean, optional) - Whether projected coords are top left. Default to true.
    • targetZ (number, optional) - If pixel depth z is not specified in pixels, this is used as the elevation plane to unproject onto. Default 0.


  • [longitude, latitude] or [longitude, latitude, altitude] in world coordinates. altitude is in meters.
    • If input is [x, y] without specifying opts.targetZ: returns [longitude, latitude].
    • If input is [x, y] with opts.targetZ: returns [longitude, latitude, targetZ].
    • If input is [x, y, z]: returns [longitude, latitude, altitude].

