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DeckGL (React Component)

DeckGL is the main interface to for React applications. DeckGL is a React component that takes a list of layer instances and a view state, and renders those layers on a transparent canvas that can be used as an overlay over other components like maps.

Make sure to read the Using with React article.

The DeckGL class is a React wrapper of the Deck JavaScript class which exposes essentially the same props. The Deck class should not be used directly in React applications.


// Basic usage
import DeckGL from '';
import {ScatterplotLayer} from '';

const App = (data) => (
layers={[new ScatterplotLayer({data})]} />

Like any React component, DeckGL can accept child components. Typical React components include:

  • Base maps such as the Map component from react-map-gl, which can synchronize with's view state.
  • Widgets, which can display and control state.
import DeckGL from '';
import {Map} from 'react-map-gl/maplibre';
import 'maplibre-gl/dist/maplibre-gl.css';

const App = (data) => (
initialViewState={{longitude: -122.45, latitude: 37.78, zoom: 12}}
layers={[new ScatterplotLayer({data})]}
<Map mapStyle="" />


DeckGL accepts all Deck properties, with these additional semantics:

React Context

ContextProvider (React.Component, optional)

A Context.Provider component. If supplied, will be rendered as the ancestor to all children. The passed through context contains the following values:

  • viewport (Viewport) - the current viewport
  • container (DOMElement) - the DOM element containing the deck canvas
  • eventManager (EventManager)
  • onViewStateChange (onViewStateChange) - the view state change handler
  • deck (Deck) - the current deck instance, if present
  • widgets (Widget[]) - the current jsx widgets, if any
/// Example using react-map-gl v6 controls with
/// To use react-map-gl v7, see
import DeckGL from '';
import {_MapContext as MapContext, NavigationControl} from 'react-map-gl';

<DeckGL ... ContextProvider={MapContext.Provider}>
<NavigationControl />


The following semantics of the standard React children property are considered experimental.

JSX layers

It is possible to use JSX syntax to create layers as React children of the DeckGL React components, instead of providing them as ES6 class instances to the layers prop.

  <DeckGL initialViewState={...viewState}>
<LineLayer id="line-layer" data={data} />
<DeckGL />

Caveat: The JSX layer syntax is limited in that it only works when the layers are direct children of the DeckGL component. layers are not true React components and cannot be rendered independently by React, and the JSX support depends on intercepting the JSX generated child elements before React tries to render them.

JSX views

It is possible to use JSX syntax to create views as React children of the DeckGL React components, instead of providing them as ES6 class instances to the views prop.

  <DeckGL initialViewState={...viewState} layers={layers} >
<MapView id="map" width="50%" controller={true} >
<Map mapStyle="" />
<FirstPersonView width="50%" x="50%" fovy={50} />
<DeckGL />

If a certain view id is used in both JSX views and the views prop, the view instance in the views prop has priority.

  const views = [
new MapView({id: 'map', width: '50%', controller: true}),
new FirstPersonView({width: '50%', x: '50%', fovy: 50})

<DeckGL initialViewState={...viewState} layers={layers} views={views} >
<View id="map">
<Map mapStyle="" />
<DeckGL />

JSX Widgets

It is possible to use JSX syntax to create widgets as React children of the DeckGL React components, instead of providing them as ES6 class instances to the widgets props.

  <DeckGL initialViewState={...viewState}>
<ZoomWidget id="zoom-widget" placement="top-right" />
<DeckGL />

Learn how to use widgets in JSX by reading Using React-wrapped widgets.

Position Children in Views

To make it easy to use React components in combination with views (e.g. to place a base map under a view, or add a label on top of a view), can make such components automatically adjust as that view is added, removed or resized.

Each child element of DeckGL is positioned inside a view. All children of a view is wrapped in a DOM container that:

  • is offset to be relative to the view that it corresponds to.
  • is resized to match the extent of the view with the corresponding view id.
  • is hidden if the view id is missing from DeckGL's views prop.

The containing view of each element is determined as follows:

  • If the element is a direct child of DeckGL, it is positioned inside the default (first) view.
  • If the element is nested under a <View id={id}> tag, it is positioned inside the view corresponding to the id prop.

Render callbacks

You may supply a function as a child to the DeckGL or View node (see JSX views). The function will be called to retrieve the React children when the viewport updates.

The following arguments are passed:

  • x - the left offset of the current view, in pixels
  • y - the top offset of the current view, in pixels
  • width - the width of the current view, in pixels
  • height - the height of the current view, in pixels
  • viewState - the view state of the current view
  • viewport - the Viewport instance of the current view

This is useful when you need to specify custom rendering logic for a child:

  <DeckGL {...viewState}>
{({x, y, width, height, viewState, viewport}) => (
height={24} />
<DeckGL />

Additional Notes:

  • The DeckGL components own canvas element is added last to the child list, to sit on top of all the base components, however Z index can be used to override this.
  • Child repositioning is done with CSS styling on a wrapper div.
  • Children that do not belong to any <View> tag and are functions are called with the properties of the default view.
  • Children that do not belong to any <View> tag and are valid React elements are rendered as is.


All Deck methods are available on the DeckGL component, but not all of them can be explicitly called. For example, to rerender your component, you can pass updated props to DeckGL component directly, while you should call setProps with new props in Deck.

The public methods you can call explicitly list below:

  • pickObject
  • pickMultipleObjects
  • pickObjects

We do recommend you to use the pure JavaScript version of if you are more comfortable with an imperative programming style (e.g. deck.setProps()).

