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Client-side utility for browser-based interaction tests.

This class is intended to be used with BrowserTestDriver from Together they support the following workflow:

  • Launch a Puppeteer instance (headless or non-headless) to run a test application
  • In the test application, create a canvas.
  • For each test case, dispatch a sequence of keyboard/mouse events, and check the updated state.
  • Proceed to the next test case until done.


See SnapshotTestRunner for Node side set up instructions.

In your script that is run on the browser:

const {InteractionTestRunner} = require('');

const TEST_CASES = [
name: 'MapController',
events: [
{type: 'drag', startX: 400, startY: 200, endX: 300, endY: 200, steps: 3}
onBeforeEvents: ({deck}) => ({viewport: deck.getViewports[0]}),
onAfterEvents: ({deck, context}) => {
const oldViewport = context.viewport;
const newViewport = deck.getViewports[0];
t.ok(newViewport.longitude > oldViewport.longitude, 'map moved');

new TestRender({
width: 800,
height: 600,
initialViewState: {
longitude: -122.4,
latitude: 37.8,
zoom: 12
controller: true


constructor(props: Object)

new InteractionTestRunner(deckProps)

Create a InteractionTestRunner instance. The deckProps argument is passed to the Deck constructor.

add(testCase: Array|object)

Add one or a list of test cases. Each test case may contain the following fields:

  • name (string) - name of the test case.
  • events (Array) - a sequence of inputs to dispatch. See Event section below.
  • onBeforeEvents (Function, optional) - called before the events are dispatched. Receives the following arguments:
    • deck - the Deck instance.
  • onAfterEvents (Function, optional) - called after the events are dispatched. Receives the following arguments:
    • deck - the Deck instance.
    • layers - the rendered layers.
    • context - the return value of onBeforeEvents.

run(options: Object)

Run all test cases.


  • timeout (number) - time to wait for each test case to resolve (by calling the done callback) before aborting, in milliseconds. Default 2000.

Returns: a Promise that resolves when all test cases are done.



Whether the test is being run in headless mode. In headless mode, Chromium uses software render which behaves slightly differently from non-headless. Image diffing tolerance may need to be adjusted accordingly.


An event is a javascript descriptor of emulated user input. The following event types are supported:


Press a key on the keyboard.

  • type: 'keypress'
  • key (string) - see
  • delay (number) - the time between keydown and keyup. Default 0.
  • shiftKey (boolean) - whether to press the key with the shift key down. Default false.
  • ctrlKey (boolean) - whether to press the key with the control key down. Default false.
  • metaKey (boolean) - whether to press the key with the meta key down. Default false.


Click the mouse at a given screen coordinate.

  • type: 'click'
  • x (number) - the screen x of the click.
  • y (number) - the screen y of the click.
  • button (string) - 'left', 'right' or 'middle'.
  • delay (number) - the time between mousedown and mouse up. Default 0.
  • shiftKey (boolean) - whether to click with the shift key pressed. Default false.
  • ctrlKey (boolean) - whether to click with the control key pressed. Default false.
  • metaKey (boolean) - whether to click with the meta key pressed. Default false.


Move the mouse to a given screen coordinate.

  • type: 'mousemove'
  • x (number) - the screen x to move the pointer to.
  • y (number) - the screen y to move the pointer to.
  • steps (number) - how many intermediate mousemove events to generate, default 1.


Drag the mouse from a given screen coordinate to another.

  • type: 'drag'
  • startX (number) - the screen x to drag from.
  • startY (number) - the screen y to drag from.
  • endX (number) - the screen x to drag to.
  • endY (number) - the screen y to drag to.
  • button (string) - 'left', 'right' or 'middle'.
  • steps (number) - how many intermediate mousemove events to generate, default 1.
  • shiftKey (boolean) - whether to click with the shift key pressed. Default false.
  • ctrlKey (boolean) - whether to click with the control key pressed. Default false.
  • metaKey (boolean) - whether to click with the meta key pressed. Default false.


Idle for a given period of time before the next event.

  • wait (number) - the timeout in milliseconds.